When I am Down and Beaten in this Path of Graveled Road
I Raise my Head to Witness the Dust that has Gathered around these Scratches and Wounds
I see the Road less Traveled Ahead, Winding to an Endless Pits of Darkness..
Voices of doubts Whisper to me in this Dead Moments of Silence...
Wondering, Questioning, If I should have Wandered as a this Dreamer to Thread this Path of No Man's Land..
Wouldn't it have been Safe to Stay in the Warm Safety of the Comfort Nest where all the Flocks Gather?
Where I could just Wake up, Fly for the Early Worms and Retire to the Night for another day of Precise Routine which Spells Comfort & Security...
Why Venture into this Risky Road of the Unknown, Darkness that knows no ends, Pain that knows no Threshold, Pressure that knows no Limit..
I've heard of men & women who have walked this path...
I've heard how they Fell
I've heard some Quit..
I've heard some Triumph..
Alas, I am aware, yet I know not why I walk this path...
I am but a Dreamer.. Dreaming of a Life beyond the shackles of conformity..
A Rebel of Norms, challenging patterns of life stamped on me from all except me..
In my dreams, I see flickers of light from a far...
I see Rainbows after the Storm
I see Nature and its Lessons in Polarity..
I see the Sun rise after a Night Blanket of darkness..
I see Caterpillars Metamorphosing into Freedom Flying Butterflies
I know, it's just Laws of Nature...
For Nature Creates in Harmony, so will I, for I am part of Nature and HIS Creation..subject to the same Universal Laws of Life..
When I am down & beaten.. I hear a song...a far away tune...
The Song goes...
"You are Special! Staying Stuck & Down won't Allow you to Serve & Contribute Your Brilliance... The world needs to See You Move... Hear You Sing Your Tunes of Hope... Dance to the Flow of Life... Inspire through Your Renewed Energy! Heal your Broken Wings & Soar like the Phoenix to the Land of Infinite Possibilities.."
Dedicated to ...
All, my who has crossed my path, You are all my Teachers & Life Mentors..
And my Newly Formed Amazing FaceBook Frens
We have crossed path for a meaning
You came into my Life as Teachers...
To those who pull me up... (or pull me down...:P)
There is No Co-incidence...
For every encounter & moment is a teachable moment to draw upon me a Lesson much needed at that Point of Time in my Life..
No matter how the stone turned, you have Nonetheless, Helped Inspired me to Unleash the Innate Source within...
Happy Teacher's Day ~
~ Suria
Tribute to all the Passionate Teachers... http://www.PassionToTrain.